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   Real review of "Mid Atlantic Finance Company" in Clearwater, FL!

We are NOT interested in advertising or anti-advertising of any financial company!
All reviews are published without making any changes.

  Ryan Gregg sent us his review November 28, 2016.

  Visited address:
  4592 Ulmerton Rd #200, Clearwater, FL 33762, USA

"As a small car dealership in Clearwater, once, we needed some cash up-front just to stay afloat. Some customers pay us late, so as I was weighing my options, I stumbled upon the chance to offer a package of accounts to Mid-Atlantic Finance Company (MAF), the branch in question was the one at Ulmerton Road, Clearwater. I sold eleven of my 0% APR accounts, for roughly half they were worth for, in exchange of a fast cash upfront, and we were promised a bonus check when all of the eleven accounts were paid off.

We got a lot of complaints from our customers, with them keep getting all the horrible late statuses even when they paid early. I thought at first, with 0%APR loans, they can improve their credit score, but they ended up with worse because of the mistake late payments. It was a nightmare for our customers, and I really felt bad for selling their accounts.

The worst of the stories was when one of my customer's cars get repossessed by mistake when the guy was paying all his payments on time. He never got any calls, mails or anything, just suddenly get repossessed. He was really mad at me for selling the account, so I ended up helping him in confronting MAF.

MAF asked $1,500 to take the car back, while the guy only owed them (well, me at first) around $700 in total. That's awfully expensive, and only because I had experience in the field, I could threaten MAF to show the proper paperwork or let it go. Imagine if the customer was by himself. The worst part is, the mistake was on MAF's end because some employees did not process some of the online payments my customer was paying.

Other customers also reported that it took him more than a month to get his title after he made the payment in full. If only I had heard about MAF before, I certainly wouldn't sell them the accounts. I'm really sorry for my customers, and I really didn't mean you guys any harm.

Finally, all of the accounts were paid in full, and so I asked MAF about the promised bonus check (I also still got the agreement in writing). All I hear every time I gave them a call is that they will get back to me (which they of course, never did). It is almost half a year after all the accounts were closed, but there's no sign of them paying.

Not only they are a crook for my customers, they also decided to steal from me. I'm currently looking for a lawyer to take the case, possibly with a class-action lawsuit.

Again, to my customers, I'm really sorry I sold your accounts to MAF, it was an honest mistake as I didn't know how crooked they were. All this experience is very-very bad both for me and my clients, please stay away from MAF!"

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